Breakfast Articles & Special Features
Articles by Mr Breakfast (Eddy Chavey) and some very special contributors to Includes advice and information on almost every breakfast item, with special features on the history of some your favorite breakfast foods. All content is original and unique to this website.
Free Inside! Our rundown of the best prizes (aka premiums) to ever appear inside a box of cereal. Click here.
Our favorite breakfast recipes from the past. This is a fun, kitschy collection of vintage breakfasts that you can make today. Click here.
We countdown the best breakfast cereal taglines of the last century. They're magicially delicious. Where did your favorite catchphrase rank? Click here.
A salute to a super food. Oats can help reduce your risk of high blood pressure and heart disease... and that's just the begining. Click here.
People from all over the world have sent us their favorite ways to enjoy toast. The easiest hot breakfast just got a lot more interesting. Click here.
Moist and delicious, scrambled eggs are easy to make, but also easy to mess up. One read and you'll be making perfect scrambled eggs every time. Click here.
From the earliest doughnut ever found to the doughnut's roll in World War I, this is a concise history of America's favorite comfort food. Click here.
Back in the day, kids could cut actual, playable records (known as flexi records) from the back of select cereal boxes. This article presents the best of those vintage cut-out records. Click here.
A look at some key members of 2016 USA Olympic Team and what they usually have for breakfast. Click here.
There are hundreds of reasons to eat breakfast, but we narrowed it down to four big ones. It really is the most important meal of the day. Click here.
Special days to celebrate breakfast... from International Waffle Day to National Egg Month. Click here.
Don't think there's time for breakfast? Think again. Try these tips and recipes to make sure you start your day with energy and focus. Click here.
Advice to make the best waffles possible and to keep your waffle maker in top condition. Includes must-try waffle recipes. Click here.
This article is so eductational, it includes a printable diploma at the end. Never make a bad muffin again. Baking tips, tricks and secrets. Click here.
Find out about the great breakfast cereal pioneers and the very earliest breakfast cereals. Click here.
Everything you need to know to start someone's day in the most special way... with breakfast in bed. Click here.
Low carb dieters have a world of breakfast options. This article features 30 recipes to keep your low carb breakfasts interesting and tasty. Click here.
A convincing arguement for having more than one breakfast a day to cure recurring blahs. Scientific studies are footnoted. Click here.
Maple syrup is great, but it's just one of many toppings you can enjoy on pancakes, waffles and French toast. Click here.
International Waffle Day vs National Waffle Day. How they're different and why you should celebrate both. Click here.
An apple a day? Okay. A banana a day? Hooray! How bananas (especially with breakfast) can improve your health and appearance. Click here.
A breakfast pie is any pie served for breakfast whose defining ingredients include one or more breakfast foods. Click here.
You know 'em. You love 'em. Now let's make 'em even better. Includes potato alternatives like radish hash browns
and carrot hash browns. Click here.
There's an internationally acknowledged day to celebrate pancakes. Find out when it is and how to make the most of it. Click here.
We scoured prison records to find death row inmates who chose breakfast as their final meal. See what they ate and discover facinating trends. Click here.
Ever wonder what astronauts have for breakfast? Explore advancements in breakfast from 1962 (the first breakfast in space) to more current missions. Click here.
A study on human interaction, thoughtful experimentation and how they relate to homemade smoothies. Click here.
Understanding how corn becomes grits using Tom Cruise as a metaphor for a kernel of corn that becomes hominy grits. Click here.
Get the buzz on breakfasts that feature honey. Includes 3 bonus honey beauty treaments. Click here.
In 2006, a man in Beachwood, Ohio claimed to see the face of Jesus on a pancake. We expore this and other breakfast apparitions. Click here.
Chocolate breakfast recipes. Chocolate cereals. The history of chocolate. Even some chocolate quotes and a joke. Click here.
We love having coffee everywhere, except on our clothes. Here's four ways to get rid of coffee stains in clothing. Click here.
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So Easy, It's Bananas! See the video. Click here.
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