Vanilla Special K Snack Bites
New Product Review:

Vanilla Special K Snack Bites

From Kellogg's
Reviewed by Mr Breakfast on 1/27/2006

Note: If you've already read the Strawberry Special K Snack Bites review, you may want to skip to the bottom.

I love what Kellogg's is doing with their Special K line. If you know me, you know that I often comment on how a particular cereal functions as a snack. What a healthier nation we would be if we be if we snacked on little baggies of granola instead of ever-enlarging bags of potato and corn chips. And how much more beautiful we would be, if we ate low-fat cereal bars instead of Butterfingers and Twinkies.

Is it possible someone at Kellogg's is listening to a particular husky, bald breakfast expert? It could be. However, I think what's really happening is that the Kellogg's execs are very high on a campaign they have called "The Special K Challenge". Imagine a poor man's South Beach Diet, a convenient plan where a company tells you what to eat and then ropes you in to becoming reliant on their products.

The Special K Challenge touts that you can loose 6 pounds in 2 weeks if you eat Special K cereal for 2 out of 3 meals per day. As long as you eat a proper third meal, with lean protein and vegetables, I think it's a good plan. You're also allowed an occasional snack and that's where the new Special K Snack Bites and Special K Cereal Bars come in.

This is all well and fine. We can all see through the profit-making advantages of hooking customers on a product based diet. And for some people it works... just check their site for testimonials (of course). But it's my sincere hope that Kellogg's can see the bigger picture.

When I check out of my local Ralph's grocery store there's a plethora of candy bars to my right. On the left are bags of Fritos or whatever the featured chip of the checkout isle might be. Sometimes I feel "snacky". That might not be a real word, but it certainly is a real feeling. It's rarer now that I'm older and wiser, but in these times of being snacky, my choices are limited. I know that if there were healthier options vying for my attention, I would probably think twice about that Snickers bar.

Therefore, it's my sincere hope that Kellogg's can look outside the box (clever) - outside of the confines of the Special K challenge - and see that they could make a healthy mark on our national diet, if they could position theses products as checkout isle/counter snacks. Everything is in place. The products are tasty and satisfying. It's just a matter of someone having the guts to take on candy bars and chips.

Dear Kellogg's,

Please take the Mr Breakfast Challenge: position these snacks in places where people are most likely to buy snacks. I give you 9 months... or else I'll bad mouth you on, the worlds #1 breakfast website.

Hopefully yours,
Mr Breakfast

If you know me, you also know that I can rant on endlessly before getting to the meat and bones of product review...

In a nutshell, Vanilla Special K Snack Bites are super great. I found that they satisfied both my sweet-tooth cravings AND my chip cravings. The taste is what you might expect... like a cookie made with vanilla cereal... sweet, but not enough to whack out your tastebuds. Compared to their Strawberry Snack Bites, I preferred this variety, but that was mostly a matter of personal taste. The best surprise was the texture. The individual Snack Bites are a cross between a cereal flake and a chip. In fact, the texture reminded me a little of Frito-Lay's Sun Chips.

I'm giving both varieties of these Snack Chips my highest rating. It's a great idea whose time is now.

Hopefully yours,
Mr Breakfast

$2.50 reflects the price of a box containing six 0.81 ounce snack pouches.

The price we paid: $2.50

 (7 out of 7 Golden Eggs)
Comments About This Product Review
What do you think of Vanilla Special K Snack Bites?
By Fire&Water

Product Rating (out of 5):

I can't find these Special K Snack Bites. Can you please tell me what store I can buy this product. I tried them out and got hooked. I just can't find them in the store.

Comment submitted: 3/25/2009 (#1551)

By tootsila

Product Rating (out of 5):

I love to mix the vanilla snack bites in vanilla yogurt, they taste like vanilla cookies but I can't find them anywhere lately. Only the chocolate and strawberry.

Comment submitted: 2/2/2008 (#859)

By Becky

Product Rating (out of 5):

I enjoy the Special K Vanilla Snack Bites, but lately cannot seem to find them. I've only been able to find the bars. Can you let me know what stores might be carrying them in the Baltimore or Pikesville, Maryland area. Thanks!

Comment submitted: 1/29/2008 (#849)

Official Member: Team BreakfastBy dede1616 (Team Breakfast Member)

Product Rating (out of 5):

What a great surprise!

I expected a sickeningly sweet cardboard snack. BUT...the Vanilla Special K bites were AWESOME! My new favorite... Thank you so much.

Now... can you do the same type of chip as a savory or salty snack??? I think you have the crunchy texture down... I would love a salty type to eat with lunch.


Comment submitted: 8/14/2007 (#611)

By kb

These are amazing. My son loves them too. Can't buy enough of them.

Comment submitted: 6/8/2007 (#505)

By lollerskatez

Product Rating (out of 5):

I usually don't like vanilla flavored items, but these taste like vanilla oreos to me! yum!

Comment submitted: 2/13/2007 (#282)

By Nae

Product Rating (out of 5):

The vanilla variety tastes like marshmallows :) What a nice replacement for dry Lucky Charms!

Comment submitted: 11/20/2006 (#125)

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