Cap'n Chrunch's Oops! Choco Donuts
New Product Review:

Cap'n Chrunch's Oops! Choco Donuts

From Quaker
Reviewed by Mr Breakfast on 10/14/2003

The box says that this cereal got its taste from sailing up chocolate rapids and through sprinkle falls. I say it got its taste from sailing down "boring river". The chocolate flavor isn't nearly as "chocolaty" as Cocoa Puffs or Cocoa Pebbles, and the chocolate milk it produces is minimal. I will say this for the Captain's new creation: it definately holds it's crunch. In fact, the colored sugar sprinkles gave each nugget a secondary weird crunch that I didn't care for.

If you're after the crunch, give it try. If you're in it for the taste, try another chocolate cereal or one of the Captain's non-chocolate varieties.

Mr Breakfast purchased a 13 ounce box.

The price we paid: $4.19

 (3 out of 7 Golden Eggs)
Comments About This Product Review
What do you think of Cap'n Chrunch's Oops! Choco Donuts?
By Schema

Product Rating (out of 5):

People can say what they want about Choco Donuts as a concept, but they actually tasted incredible for just a fad cereal. I truly wouldn't mind having them again someday.

Comment submitted: 8/11/2020 (#5877)

By donut cereal

Product Rating (out of 5):

I would love to try it. I am devastated Sprinkled Donut Crunch has been taken off the shelves. If I only knew it was going away I would've bought every box and cherished every single piece. I had an absolutely amazing and this one sounds good. Bring it back. Bring them both back. You have something great. I don't eat Cap'n Crunch so good.

Comment submitted: 3/3/2019 (#5714)

By Zaya

Product Rating (out of 5):

Please, for the love of God, I beg they bring this cereal back. OMG. I'm gonna die without it. I remember every bite filled with chocolate crunchy goodness.

Comment submitted: 9/25/2018 (#5662)

By cereal god

Product Rating (out of 5):

Bring Back these Choco Donuts!

Comment submitted: 2/26/2017 (#5472)

Official Member: Team BreakfastBy IanTurtle (Team Breakfast Member)

Product Rating (out of 5):

Aw man, this stuff was good! We need it back! We don't need Cap'n Crunch Special Edition... We need THIS!

Comment submitted: 3/22/2015 (#5232)

By Syd

Product Rating (out of 5):

I really want to eat this Cap'n Crunch Oops Choco Donuts again. I miss the taste of it so much! Please bring this product back.

Comment submitted: 6/10/2014 (#5063)

By melbell

Product Rating (out of 5):

Please bring it back!

Comment submitted: 5/21/2014 (#5051)

By Kieana

Product Rating (out of 5):

Please bring this cereal back. It was my favorite cereal. I miss it so much!

Comment submitted: 10/21/2013 (#4720)

By Elle Dea

Product Rating (out of 5):

I miss this cereal so so much! This cereal was super good! Bring it back! You just gotta!

Comment submitted: 5/9/2013 (#3830)

By Anna

Product Rating (out of 5):

Love this cereal!

Comment submitted: 4/1/2013 (#3711)

By Sarah

Product Rating (out of 5):

Where can I find them again?! I love them! They were so good! URGENT! PLEASE help me find them!

Comment submitted: 8/10/2012 (#3209)

By Brian S.

Never had it but it looks like something I'd like.

Comment submitted: 5/13/2012 (#3117)

By wcmiele

Product Rating (out of 5):

I loved this. Even though I'm older now, I still feel attracted to the tiny sprinkles. And I think this cereal had to have been my favorite out of all the Cap'n Crunches. It was chocolate with a crunch, unlike Coco Pebbles, and sometimes I didn't want chocolate milk with my cereal because it is a little bit too much. I thought this cereal was great and I wish they would bring it back! <3

Comment submitted: 5/8/2012 (#3114)

By Keifer Jennings

Product Rating (out of 5):

This was the best cereal I've ever had in my life. When it was discontinued it took a piece of my heart with it.

Comment submitted: 11/20/2010 (#2617)

By kassie

Product Rating (out of 5):

I miss this stuff so much... I used to eat it when I was little and couldn't get enough... I want it back! (:

Comment submitted: 7/26/2010 (#2437)

By tweeker

I can't find this ANYWHERE!! I LOVE this stuff!

Comment submitted: 4/7/2010 (#2263)

By spade

The guy up there is just tering down good food, I just hate that it's discontinued.

Comment submitted: 1/26/2010 (#2109)

By StuckToButts

Product Rating (out of 5):

In Washington, they were only out for about 3 months. I had Choco Donuts and Gatorade my entire 10th grade summer. I would eat at least 3 bowls for breakfast and lunch, and a few after dinner on a late night.

It was so goodddddddd. Seriously, I can still remember the taste, and I know I would go back to doing that summer all over again.

Comment submitted: 4/29/2009 (#1634)

By Captain Coach

Product Rating (out of 5):

I miss it pretty badly. Wish it were still around.

Comment submitted: 1/12/2009 (#1374)

Official Member: Team BreakfastBy KFC Lover (Team Breakfast Member)

Product Rating (out of 5):

This cereal tastes like a real chocolate-frosted doughnut.

Comment submitted: 1/11/2009 (#1367)

By Chuck

Product Rating (out of 5):

These were so good.

Comment submitted: 7/19/2008 (#1102)

By lukenunley

Product Rating (out of 5):

I actually enjoyed this cereal. We must always remember that tastes vary from person to person, so there can never be a definitive review on such foods. I found Choco Donuts to be a good, if not a very small bit disappointing, addition to my morning lineup. I'm saddened to see them discontinued.

Comment submitted: 5/3/2008 (#1002)

By Danielle

Product Rating (out of 5):


Comment submitted: 8/23/2007 (#631)

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