Peach Cheerios
New Product Review:

Peach Cheerios

From General Mills
Reviewed by Mr Breakfast on 4/10/2018

When eaten dry, the peach flavor in limited edition Peach Cheerios is a little overwhelming. It tastes like authentic peach thanks to the use of real peach puree, but it masks the terrific signature flavor of the Cheerios. Fortunately, the situation gets much better after you add milk.

With milk, you get a bit more of that classic Cheerios taste. The peach becomes more subtle and less overwhelming. The more you eat, the more ingrained the peach flavor feels until it's like just a mellow peach sweetness that you almost have to think about to remember it's there.

Peach Cheerios Product Review

The milk at the end of a bowl is a sort of peachy tan color with only a slight whiff of peach flavor. You'll have a not-unpleasant aftertaste of peach for about 10 minutes after finishing a bowl.

In the end, I enjoyed my bowl of Peach Cheerios. However, I'm glad it's a limited edition cereal. It's one of those cereals, you'd be likely to buy just once. Regular Cheerios and Honey Nut Cheerios are much better cereals.

Nutritional Considerations: Each 3/4 cup serving of Peach Cheerios has 110 calories, 1.5 grams total fat (0 saturated and 0 trans), 0 mg cholesterol, 125 mg sodium, 22 grams total carbs, 2 grams dietary fiber, 8 grams sugar and 2 grams protein.

Peach Cheerios Product Review

The $0.00 price noted below indicates that the company sent us a sample box of the cereal to review.

The price we paid: $0.0

 (4 out of 7 Golden Eggs)
Comments About This Product Review
What do you think of Peach Cheerios?
By i. likey

Product Rating (out of 5):

Whoa... mad good cereal.

Comment submitted: 10/10/2018 (#5668)

By LifeMiniWheats

Product Rating (out of 5):

Honestly, I despise Cheerios. My mom burned me out on them when I was a kid. This however intrigued me and ultimately blew my mind! Love em!

Comment submitted: 9/10/2018 (#5658)

By lynki

Product Rating (out of 5):

I was not impressed with this cereal. I would not buy it again.

Comment submitted: 8/21/2018 (#5652)

By MadeMeSick

Product Rating (out of 5):

First bite: Yum peaches! Second chew: What is this? Third chew: OMG I'm gonna puke. And... yes, the milk was fresh.

Comment submitted: 6/22/2018 (#5627)

By jls

Product Rating (out of 5):

There something missing with this. I'd rather have Honey Bunches with Peaches back.

Comment submitted: 5/28/2018 (#5620)

By Loves Peaches

I do not eat cereal because it never fills me up. However, if I saw a box of this stuff, I might consider buying it. It sounds delicious to me. I love peaches.

Comment submitted: 5/27/2018 (#5619)

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