Chocolate Chip Pop Tarts
New Product Review:

Chocolate Chip Pop Tarts

From Kellogg
Reviewed by Mr Breakfast on 10/14/2003

Unlike other supermarket pastries whose fillings remain static even when toasted, this new pastry's filling oozed out and got all over my face. The chocolate flavor isn't any improvement over Kellogg's regular chocolate Pop Tart and the shell, while more tan, tasted the same. But the fact that the chocolate oozes out like a super chocolate souffle makes it worth a try.

WARNING: Definitely toast this one. The chocolate tastes slightly chemical when eaten raw.

Mr Breakfast purchased a 12 pack.

The price we paid: $3.29

 (5 out of 7 Golden Eggs)
Comments About This Product Review
What do you think of Chocolate Chip Pop Tarts?
By mitch

Product Rating (out of 5):

Epic! Tastes like heaven to me!

Comment submitted: 12/30/2011 (#2960)

By Fixxxer

Product Rating (out of 5):

Pop tarts blow. But Im in love with these things. When you're in the mood for that typical, processed, not-sweet-enough-to-be-a-cookie, salty, slightly chemical but oh so delicious, diet-trashing bliss these really hit the spot. Ad some marshmallow puff spread and some butterfinger crumbles and you have a 5-min gourmet dessert on your hands.++

Comment submitted: 11/12/2010 (#2608)

By Kahula

Processed junk food.

Comment submitted: 1/10/2010 (#2074)

By Vegas

Product Rating (out of 5):

These are good.

Comment submitted: 4/19/2009 (#1601)

By Pop-tart-lover!

Product Rating (out of 5):

I love this poptart. Any time i am craving chocolate, this is the first thing I grab! So good!

Comment submitted: 7/17/2008 (#1097)

By stonerfoods

Product Rating (out of 5):

If you like this pop-tart try puting peanut butter on top right after its out the toster .damb -firee goood!

Comment submitted: 7/14/2008 (#1092)


OMFG! wth? There's a chocolate chip Pop-Tart?! haha righteous.

Comment submitted: 7/7/2008 (#1085)

By Barb

Product Rating (out of 5):

Love this Pop Tart. It satisfies the Chocolate cravings. Tastes best when warmed.

Comment submitted: 3/21/2008 (#930)

By Yo-yo

Product Rating (out of 5):

I don't know wat ur prob is this pop tart is slammin and it's the only one i eat.

Comment submitted: 2/9/2008 (#868)

By kwood

Product Rating (out of 5):

I eat these every day - I never miss one day.... great product.

Comment submitted: 5/31/2007 (#493)

By CCPT Rock

Product Rating (out of 5):

Chocolate Chip Pop Tarts Rock!

Comment submitted: 5/11/2007 (#459)

By WafflesRock

Product Rating (out of 5):

For some reason, I really don't care much for this pop-tart flavor. This really surprised me considering the smores and chocolate fudge flavors were always two of my favorites. I think one of the main reasons I don't care much for this kind is because of the unusual taste and texture of the icing swirls. They are just too crunchy and artificial tasting. After a few bites, I ended up just crumbling all of the swirls off. Even then, the flavor was just strange. I have tried it toasted and untoasted, but neither one was really appealing to me.

Comment submitted: 10/3/2006 (#54)

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