Nourish Breakfast Bowls
New Product Review:

Nourish Breakfast Bowls

From Mann's
Reviewed by Mr Breakfast on 6/4/2019

I tried two varieties of Mann's Nourish Breakfast Bowls: The Fiesta Scramble and The Denver Scramble. I found both very easy to prepare. You simply mix your own eggs into the ingredients, microwave, stir, microwave again and add the cheese. Each bowl takes less than 5 minutes to prepare.

Both varieties look and smell quite appetizing when finished. They're both very, very filling. Unfortunately, they both taste and feel not so great.

The Fiesta Scramble has kohlrabi, cauliflower, butternut squash, kale, chicken chorizo in pico de galla & Mexican cheese blend. At first bite, you notice the vegetables are a lot more crisp and crunchy than you'd expect. For all of the amazing ingredients, there isn't a lot of flavor. Occasionally, you get a bite where the cheese or the sauce stands out, but otherwise the taste is just bland. If the package didn't say the bowl contained chicken chorizo, I would have never known. It's completely unnoticeable. I'd give this bowl a letter grade of C+.

Nourish Breakfast Fiesta Bowl Product Review

Nourish Breakfast Fiesta Bowl - Ingredients

Nourish Breakfast Fiesta Bowl Prepared

The Denver Scramble has cauliflower, kale, broccoli, sweet potato, real ham in bell pepper sauce & Cheddar cheese. Once again, you initially notice that the texture of some of the vegetables is too firm. The first bite struck me as pretty tasty. But by the 2nd or 3rd bite, a bitterness from the kale started to dominate the flavor profile. Occasional bites with extra ham or extra cheese gave a bit of relief from the rich, bitter flavor, but midway through the bowl I had to stop eating. This bowl is bitter and the sauce is hardly noticeable. If it wasn't for the kale, this bowl might get a B-. But I have to give it a sad C-.

Nourish Breakfast Denver Scramble Bowl Product Review

Nourish Breakfast Denver Scramble Bowl - Ingredients

Nourish Breakfast Denver Scramble Bowl Prepared

For as interesting and healthy as these bowls look, I recommend that you pass them by.

The price we paid: $4.59

 (3 out of 7 Golden Eggs)
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