Cereal Project > Kellogg's > Apple Cinnamon Squares

Apple Cinnamon Squares
From: Kellogg's

From around 1984.

This was the second of Kellogg's fruit square cereals. The first was Kellogg's Raisin Squares. The third was Kellogg's Strawberry Squares.

Company Description: Kellogg's was originally founded as the Battle Creek Toasted Corn Flake Company in 1906. The company's founder Will Keith Kellogg is credited with inventing corn flakes along with his brother John Harvey Kellogg. The company was renamed the Kellogg Company in 1922... Read on and see all cereals from Kellogg's

Apple Cinnamon Squares Cereal Theater

Now Showing: 1986 Apple Cinnamon Squares Commercial

Additional Images
Apple Cinnamon Squares Tree Top Box
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Apple Cinnamon Squares Tree Top Box

Submitter: jeffrey
Uploaded: 1/16/2011

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1992 Apple Cinnamon Squares Cereal Box
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1992 Apple Cinnamon Squares Cereal Box

Submitter: Mr Breakfast
Uploaded: 5/18/2009

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Comments About This Cereal
What do you think of Apple Cinnamon Squares?

Overall Average Rating = 5 (out of 5)

View all 23 comments for this cereal.

Official Member: Team BreakfastBy Donna49 (Team Breakfast Member)

Cereal Rating (out of 5):

Please bring them back! These were so good and so were the other filled squares. There needs to be more of these cereals on the shelves.

Comment submitted: 7/7/2019 (#24302)

By Gail

Cereal Rating (out of 5):

I ran out of milk and dipped these little squares in cream cheese. OMG SO GOOD. But now they are gone and I am eating popcorn instead. Thanks Kellogg's... I guess I'll never eat cereal again.

Comment submitted: 9/28/2018 (#23529)

By Geri

Cereal Rating (out of 5):

I join all of the commenters from past years. I so miss Apple Cinnamon Squares! I didn't eat it as cereal, but rather as a snack. Tasty, tasty. I must check with friends overseas now that I've seen they were available in Germany 12 years ago. It's been far longer since I've seen them in the U.S.

Comment submitted: 10/31/2017 (#22390)

By M.E.3.

Cereal Rating (out of 5):

PLEASE bring Apple Cinnamon Squares back!

Comment submitted: 1/5/2016 (#19810)

By amc

I would like to see this cereal make a comeback. I still look in isles for Apple Cinnamon Squares when I go to the store even though I know it's been discontinued. I'm so disappointed. I hope one day they bring it back to stay.

Comment submitted: 6/2/2015 (#19093)

By Paul H.

Cereal Rating (out of 5):

OMG! So I'm not the only one missing this ex-great cereal. This cereal was my favorite. Could not believe that it was discontinued. Would most definitely buy it again! I look in cereal isles hoping.

Comment submitted: 6/29/2014 (#17267)

By Flowerr

Cereal Rating (out of 5):

This cereal was the best. My mom got me hooked on it when I was a kid. I had tried for years to remember what it was and it wasn't until recently that I figured it out. I have wrote to Kellogg's many times asking for a come back. Can only hope they will listen. For some reason, the good things seem to get discontinued just to make room for sugary garbage. BRING THIS ONE BACK! Write to Kellogg's.

Comment submitted: 4/8/2014 (#16926)

By Vester

Cereal Rating (out of 5):

After Apple Cinnamon Squares were discontinued, cereal became dead to me. There will never be another cereal that can even compare to it.

Comment submitted: 2/8/2013 (#10666)

By Kibber

Cereal Rating (out of 5):

I used to buy this at the Albertson's in Cape Coral, FL up until Dec 1999, when we moved to the middle of BFE, aka SE Kansas. Never saw it again. I miss it. Had I known they wouldn't carry it here and it would then be discontinued, I would have bought up every box I could at the time. LOVE THIS CEREAL!

Comment submitted: 9/10/2012 (#9080)

By coney

Cereal Rating (out of 5):

I crave this cereal every day. This was the most delicious cereal ever. I need Apple Cinnamon Squares to come back... PLEASE!

Comment submitted: 4/16/2012 (#7238)

View all 23 comments for this cereal.

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