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Kellogg's >
Special K Probiotics

Introduced in 2018
The complete name of this cereal is Berry & Peaches Special K Probiotics. It's described on the front of the box as containing "real fruit & yogurt probiotic pieces." The main cereal pieces are Special K multi-grain flakes.
The back of the box gives an extended description of the cereal under the heading "Powering Your Strength". It says:
"How much goodness can you pack into a single spoon? Well we've found it's actually quite a lot. That's why we made it our mission to ensure that every flake bursts with the essential nutrients you need to make you feel strong from the inside. The best thing is there is no compromise on taste. We promise a bowl full of rich flavors and delicious textures that work hard for you, getting the nutrition you need to get through your day and reach your potential."

The first 5 ingredients listed on the nutrition panel are whole grain wheat, rice, sugar, wheat bran and freeze-dried fruit.
Company Description: Kellogg's was originally founded as the Battle Creek Toasted Corn Flake Company in 1906. The company's founder Will Keith Kellogg is credited with inventing corn flakes along with his brother John Harvey Kellogg. The company was renamed the Kellogg Company in 1922... Read on and see all cereals from Kellogg's
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