Scary Jerry The Berry Waffle

Scary Jerry The Berry Waffle

(1 serving)    Printable Version
  • home-made or toaster waffles (preferably round)
  • strawberries
  • blueberries
  • whipped cream
  • blackberries (or chocolate eyeballs)
  • 1 plate
  • 1 button-up shirt
Toast waffle, if you're not using a waffle-iron.

Use strawberries to make the nose and ears.

Make a mouth out of blueberries.

If using blackberries, place two where the eyes go.

Give Jerry a nice head of hair made out of whipped cream.

Dress in a shirt and serve.

If you want to make waffles from scratch, I suggest this basic waffle recipe.

Scary Jerry is just one of many breakfast characters you could make. Send a picture of your creation and I'll send you a Mr Breakfast Silly Putty Egg.

Mr Breakfast would like to thank Mr Breakfast for this recipe.

Comments About This Recipe
What do you think of Scary Jerry The Berry Waffle?
Official Member: Team BreakfastFrom drewaustin (Team Breakfast Member)

I make something like this for my kids on the weekends with waffles or pancakes. For the eyes, we use banana slices with chocolate chips in the middle.

Comment submitted: 9/2/2013 (#16365)

See All 154 Recipes For Waffles

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