Black Pudding (Ireland)
(10 servings) Printable Version
- 1 pound cooked barley
- 1 pound fresh beef suet
- 1 quarter pint fresh pig's blood (seriously)
- 8 ounces bread crumbs
- 8 ounces fine oatmeal
- 1/4 pint skimmed milk - warmed to room temperature
- 1 small onion - chopped
- 2 teaspoons pepper
- 2 teaspoons dried mint
- 1 and 1/2 teaspoon salt
- 1/2 teaspoon allspice
In a very large bowl, soak bread crumbs in the milk. Add the blood and stir. Add cooked barely and stir. Grate the beef suet into the bowl. Add the oatmeal and stir. Finally add onion and seasonings and stir once more.
Dived the mixture among two large roasting pans - filling them about 2/3 full.
Bake for one hour until the pudding is completely cooked.
Allow pudding to cool completely.
Cut into squares and fry in butter until the edges of both sides are crisp.
Serve as part of a traditional Irish breakfast.
Part of a traditional Irish breakfast. Check out this article about St. Patrick's Day and this recipe for White Pudding (No Blood).
Mr Breakfast would like to thank IrishNick for this recipe.
Comments About This Recipe
What do you think of Black Pudding (Ireland)?
What do you think of Black Pudding (Ireland)?
Overall Average Rating =
(out of 5)Based on 5 votes.
Mint? I don't think so.
Comment submitted: 8/6/2016 (#20014)
From IrishNick
Rating (out of 5): |
If you don't think about the pigs blood it actually goes down nice when also drowned in Guinness.
Comment submitted: 6/22/2016 (#19979)
From MainManMark
Rating (out of 5): |
Tried it when I visited Ireland in 1995. Weird but good. People should try it at least once.
Comment submitted: 11/9/2015 (#19641)
From Roacher
I just returned from Ireland and tried this without knowing what was in it. The Irish around me were raving about it. Obviously, my taste buds weren't accustom to the flavor because I didn't eat but one bite. Enjoy.
Comment submitted: 8/23/2015 (#19518)
From Bloodfree
You can make a vegetarian version of black pudding by replacing the suet and blood with mashed black beans and mushrooms.
Comment submitted: 8/27/2013 (#16292)
From shedrobin
Why oh why does everything have to come from a US supermarket? I live in Europe for heaven's sake. I thought this is the World Wide Web.
Comment submitted: 2/20/2013 (#15202)
From tinker
I've heard about this and want to try it, but can you imagine going to an American grocery store and asking for pig's blood and beef suet. Smile. LOL
Comment submitted: 2/5/2013 (#15135)
From porklover
Rating (out of 5): |
If you cook the onions before adding the recipe is much tastier and a 1/2 tspn of mace gives a very distinctive flavour very good basic recipe.
Comment submitted: 3/2/2009 (#7683)
From pudding people
Rating (out of 5): |
It actually tastes ok if you don't think about the blood part but I prefer white pudding.
Comment submitted: 7/9/2008 (#5852)
From Marag
Rating (out of 5): |
Out of a pig.
Ask at your nearest slaughterhouse if you aren't into do-it-yourself.
Comment submitted: 5/10/2008 (#5229)
From THEDODE (Team Breakfast Member)
Can you freeze syrup?
Comment submitted: 10/28/2007 (#3864)
From Smile
Where does one get pigs blood. :)
Comment submitted: 9/29/2006 (#406)
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