Peter Rabbit Pancakes w/ Orange Hash
(5 servings) Printable Version
- 2 cups grated carrots - loosely packed (about 3 medium carrots)
- 1/2 cup unbleached all-purpose flour
- 2 eggs - well beaten
- 1/4 cup milk
- 1/4 teaspoon mace (optional)
- 2 Tablespoons vegetable oil
Heat a griddle over moderate heat until a drop of water hisses on contact. Stir the oil into the batter, and using a 1/4 cup measure, drop the batter onto the griddle. Spread with the back of the measuring cup into 3- to 3 1/3- inch rounds. When they are brown on the bottom, about 2 minutes, turn them to brown the other side. The cakes will be pleasingly shaggy in appearance. Keep them warm in a 200 degree oven until the remaining cakes are made.
Serve two pancakes to each person, with a scoop of orange hash on the side.
Orange Hash
- 2 seedless navel oranges
- 1 small eating apple
- 2 Tablespoons honey
Cut the peel and pith of the oranges with a sharp knife. Remove the central pith and separate the fruit into sections. Drop into the food processor. Peel and core the apple, cut into chunks, and add to orange sections. Pulse the food processor on and off until the apple is in tiny pieces and all the orange membrane has been chopped small. Do not puree the fruit.
Pour the mixture into a strainer placed over a bowl, reserving the liquid for another use. Place the hash in a small bowl and stir in the honey. Mix thoroughly. This makes about 1 cup.
Serve Orange Hash on the side of each pancake serving.

![]() Available via Amazon.com | This recipe is from the classic cookbook titled Pancakes: From Flapjacks To Crepes (Dorian Leigh Parker, Clarkson N. Potter, Inc., 1988). This is a great book with over 60 pancake variations. As the introduction on the sleeve states, "Pancakes - whether humble buttermilk flapjacks, fragrant with butter and maple syrup, or sophisticated crepes topped with caviar and a dollop of creme fraiche - are perennial favorites. Pancakes can be prepared in dozens of imaginative yet simple ways that are perfect for any occasion, any time of day." |
In her book, Pancakes, Dorian Leigh Parker dedicates this recipe to her grandsons and says, "I recommend these deliciously crunchy pancakes to desperate mothers. Their names alone will open sleepy breakfasttime eyes."
Mr Breakfast would like to thank Mr Breakfast for this recipe.
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