Caramel Apple Pancakes
(4 servings) Printable Version
- 1 cored and skinned apple - finely chopped
- 2 cups all-purpose flour
- 1 and 1/2 cup of milk
- 1 large egg
- pinch of sugar (optional)
- caramel (from bottle or jar)
Mix the flour, milk, egg, and optional pinch of sugar together to make a fine batter.
On light-medium heat, pour batter into the pan, and then sprinkle a desired amount of apple onto the top of the still liquid batter.
Flip pancake, and allow a few minutes for the apple to cook into the pancake.
Repeat steps for cooking pancakes.
Place desired amount of pancakes on plate, and drizzle caramel onto the pancakes.
Enjoy! After making this for many people, it's all I'm ever asked to make! :)
Mr Breakfast would like to thank spini937 for this recipe.
Comments About This Recipe
What do you think of Caramel Apple Pancakes?
What do you think of Caramel Apple Pancakes?
Overall Average Rating =
(out of 5)Based on 1 vote.
Rating (out of 5): |
I recommend adding a little vanilla and it definitely needs a bit of sugar.
Comment submitted: 3/29/2009 (#7854)
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