Eggs Florentine (w/ Canned Spinach)
(6 servings) Printable Version
- 6 large eggs
- 1 can of spinach
- Hollandaise sauce
- cayenne pepper
- paprika
- salt and pepper - to taste
My ingredients are approximate. Depending on how much canned spinach you have or how many servings you want to make, the rule is just one egg per "nest".
Break an egg into nest and season with salt and pepper to taste. Push any spinach that is too high back down to egg level. Put in larger pan with water up to about 1/2 the height of the muffin pan.
Cook in water bath in 350 degree oven until eggs are set.
When done, invert each Egg Florentine on serving plate and cover with Hollandaise sauce. Sprinkle a little cayenne pepper or paprika over the sauce and serve.
Very nice looking dish and easy to make for group brunch. They're made in a muffin pan and then inverted onto plate for serving. A packaged or already-made homemade Hollandaise sauce is required.
Mr Breakfast would like to thank Sisiutl for this recipe.
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