Delaware Baked Eggs
(4 servings) Printable Version
- 4 large eggs
- 1 cup grated sharp cheese
- 1/3 cup light cream
- 1/4 cup ketchup
- 2 Tablespoons butter - softened
- 4 dashes hot pepper sauce
- 4 dashes Worcestershire
- Buttered toast
Butter the bottom of a baking dish that's at least two inches deep (I use a 9x9 dish). Sprinkle half the cheese over the butter. Break each egg carefully into a separate corners of the baking dish. Sprinkle dashes of hot pepper sauce and Worcestershire in center of each egg yolk. Spoon ketchup over yolks. Pour in cream. Sprinkle remaining cheese over eggs.
Bake until eggs are set (about 12 minutes in my oven).
Serve each egg on a slice of toast. Spoon extra sauce from the pan on top of this.
I made this for a curious relative, thinking I'd hate it personally. Surprise! I loved it! I hope you do too.
Mr Breakfast would like to thank muffin for this recipe.
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