Weetbix And Fruit

Weetbix And Fruit

(1 serving)    Printable Version
  • 3 breakfast wheat biscuits such as Weetbix or Vitawheats
  • boiling water
  • 1/2 cup any puree fruit such as apple
1.Place wheat biscuits in a bowl and pour in just a small amount of boiling water so that it is all absorbed.

2. Carefully tip out any remaining water and then mix in pureed fruit.

3. Enjoy while it's hot

Particularly good when you have sore teeth or mouth!

Mr Breakfast would like to thank EMMMA for this recipe.

Comments About This Recipe
What do you think of Weetbix And Fruit?
Overall Average Rating = 4 (out of 5)
Based on 1 vote.

Official Member: Team BreakfastFrom Caity (Team Breakfast Member)
Rating (out of 5):  

This is good, but I use milk instead, and will slice fresh apples and dip them in it.

Comment submitted: 5/26/2008 (#5380)

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