Hot Pocket Breakfast Bites
New Product Review:

Hot Pocket Breakfast Bites

From Nestle
Reviewed by Mr Breakfast on 8/31/2015

I tried two varieties of Hot Pockets Breakfast Bites: 1) Bacon, Egg & Cheese; and 2) Sausage, Egg & Cheese. They also make a Ham, Egg & Cheese version.

These were great little treats... IF you you BAKE them. When baked, the crusts are flaky and nicely crisped. If you microwave them, the crusts are limp with an uneven texture. They take 1 minute to microwave and almost 20 minutes to bake. It's worth the extra 19 minutes to bake them.

Hot Pocket Breakfast Bites Product Review

The sausage variety is surprisingly, pleasingly sweet. It has what they're calling a "biscuit crust". If you made a biscuit that tasted like the crust, you might say, "Dang it. I used too much sugar." But that sweetness contrasts the with hearty flavor of the sausage, egg & cheese and added a little whimsy to an otherwise familiar collection of flavors.

In comparison, the bacon variety is more savory with a touch of pepper noticed in every bite. It has a "flaky crust", which is more similar to the crusts of most full-sized Hot Pockets. The bacon has a noticeable smokiness that I liked.

The ratio of filling to crust in both varieties is satisfactory. It might not be technologically possible, but a little more filling would have given each ingredient a chance to be noticed. As it is now, you take a bite and say, "That tastes like breakfast" instead of recognizing any star ingredient.

Someone in the office commented that these would pair well with a dipping sauce like ranch dressing or gravy.

In the end, these are fun, tasty and satisfying... IF they're BAKED. I give this product a 6 out of 7 when baked and a 3 out of 7 when microwaved, which I'll round up to a fairly impressive rating of 5 golden eggs.

The price we paid: $2.99

 (5 out of 7 Golden Eggs)
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What do you think of Hot Pocket Breakfast Bites?
Official Member: Team BreakfastBy Angel (Team Breakfast Member)

Product Rating (out of 5):

PLEASE BRING THEM BACK. They were absolutely delicious. I have them nearly almost every breakfast. They were so great, wanna know how I cook/bake them... I use a TOASTER OVEN a godforsaken Toaster oven... The inside was gooey cheese everything and the crust on the outside was crispy and when I'm not eating them I put them in the freezer. I can't show a picture of them right now because they stop selling them in my store but I can tell you this they were absolutely incredibly delicious so please just this once bring them back. I don't care what they look like in Reality or in Promo.

Comment submitted: 9/11/2020 (#5885)

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