Imagine being on a tropical island, soaking up the warm sun and sipping a cold drink. Let the music of Jimmy Buffett take you there. Meet Me In Margaritaville: Jimmy Buffett, The Ultimate Collection hits stores on April 15th --- it's a collection of hits, fan favorites and new recordings that span Jimmy Buffett's career. Whether you are a hard core Parrothead or just like good music, you'll love this double CD collection!

Now Playing:

"Son Of A Son Of A Sailor"

And while you relax and listen to a track from Jimmy Buffett's new album, just answer a few questions and you could be a Winner! One lucky Grand Prize Winner will receive the VIP treatment -- 2 Jimmy Buffett concert tickets and tour shirts every year for life!! And that's not all... 5 Runner-ups will receive a Jimmy Buffett box set!

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